
Children entering New Brunswick schools are required to provide proof of immunization. Alternatively, Proof of Immunization Exemption Form must be completed by a child’s physician and can be obtained from the school office. Please ensure your child’s immunizations are up to date and the most recent copy is provided to the school.

Head Lice

In the instance that head lice is found in the school, the parent will be notified and asked to pick their child up immediately for treatment.  Please refer to our school policy for further information.  This can be found on our school website.


If a child requires medication during the school hours, parents must provide a signed request and specific instructions.    Please consult with your child’s teacher and they will guide you through the appropriate process.


It is important that if your child is not feeling well that we continue to follow Public Health guidelines and recommendations. If your child has had a fever, public health recommends to not return to school until 24 hours post fever. If your child has had vomiting/diarrhea public health recommends to not return to school 48 hours post. Following these recommendations will help keep our school community safe and prevent illness from spreading.

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